Tuesday 22 October 2013

Living Room Design Ideas


 Living Room Design Ideas

When decorating a living room, you may first think for changing wall colors. You can decorate your living room even without changing wall color. Here are some tips that help you to decorate your living room simple and inexpensive way.

    Clean the room: First and important step is to clean your living room from dust and dirt. You can start from ceiling and end in floor. While cleaning dust on bookcase and furniture, clean from top to down and left to right. Floor should be cleaned at the end after cleaning all dust and dirt from ceiling, window and other appliances in your living room.

    List the items: After cleaning the dust and dirt from your living room, make list of things or items you have in your living room. Now make another list of items that you want to retain in your living room. This will help you decide what all items you really need in your living room and keep your living room cluster free.

    Set Theme for your living room: Theme plays vital role in decorating living room. There are number of websites and magazines on home decoration that help you to choose a theme that suits your living room best. While selecting theme for your living room it is necessary to first analyze what you like most and your budget criteria.

    Limit the number of items: Do not fill your living room with too many items just because they are attractive. Filling your room with too many items will look mess and it will fail to catch attention of your guests or friends who visit your apartment or living room.

    Slipcover: Slipcover adds warmth and co-ordinate with the theme of your living room. You can choose slipcover that match with furniture in living room. Slipcover helps to change color palette of your room. You can give fresh look for your living room even without changing the wall color.

    Area Rugs: Area rugs can be used to cover up unattractive areas. Remember your rug must fit the placement of your furniture and conversation area such as coffee table and sofa set. If you are using rug as focal point in your room, glass top table is recommended for best view.

    Indoor plant for decorating your living room: Choose an indoor plant which can be easily grown. Plants add beauty to room and help to absorb stale indoor air. Plants placed at the corners of the area fitted in beautiful pots can give elegant look for your living room.

While decorating a living room, you must pay attention to the natural focal point, lifestyle of the family members, ambient lighting, theme and fabric patterns of the curtains. You can make your living room more spacious by adding mirror that suits the theme of your living room. Now you can attract your friends, guests and relatives with these simple ideas.


Living Room Design


Living Room Furniture

The living room is the room for living. It's a gathering place, a place that embraces family and friends with relaxed style. If you want to enrich your life, create a family-friendly living room with areas for reading, talking, working and relaxing.living room decorating photo

Before you order a coach, or pick up a paint brush, look at your space with objective eye. Whether you're redesigning the whole room or just refreshing it, open your mind to the creative possibilities, think about furniture and finishes, colors and textures, follow your own instincts, what counts is not a certain style, but your style.

Choose furniture, materials and colors that inspire you. Trust your own eye for and feelings about decor will generate the best ideas for decorating your living room. Start with the basics: a comfortable, well-made sofa, a versatile coffee table, beautiful drapes, a quality rug.

When shopping for new furniture, make safety and comfort just as important as beauty. Look for designs with friendly detailing. To increase the sense of comfort and good energy, arrange your living room furniture to form islands that you can move around easily. Appoint corners with any combination of enhancements, such as plants, sculpture, lighting, art and furniture.

To encourage social intimacy and relaxation, place the primary furniture-often a sofa- so that it commands a view of the room. Then give other seating a nice view, putting everyone at ease and making the room both attractive and comfortable. To assure ideal views throughout the room, make sure the corners in your living room are clear of clutter. A sense of uncluttered abundance is the key: all that's needed is present and plentiful, yet organized in a way that keeps the space open and livable.

Living room decorating expresses a sense of welcome and sets the tone for the rest of your home. By definition the living room is the space in a home that's most full of life and spirit. 

Small Living Room Design Photos
